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RHS is over for another year…wonderful memories

A thousand thanks to all you Chefs who presented at Scotland’s Larder Live Theatre at this year’s Royal Highland Show. What an amazing and entertaining bunch you are, giving your time and supporting this spectacular event. It is an honour and a pleasure to work with you…my sincere thanks and here is the role of honour…

Craig Wilson 'The Kilted Chef,' Eat on the Green,

Tom Lewis, Mhor,

Neil Forbes, Café St Honoré,

Iain Campbell, Campbell’s Bakery

Cameron MacMichael, Cringletie House

Paul Wedgwood, Wedgwood the Restaurant

Mark Easton, Killiecrankie Hotel

David Haetzman, Firebrick Brasserie

Chris Rowley, Ballintaggart Farm

Tim Dover, The Roost (& about to move to pastures new)

Adam Newth, The Tayberry.

Mark Greenaway, Restaurant Mark Greenaway

Gary Maclean, Masterchef The Professional Winner

…and me!

There is nothing else quite like the RHS on this planet and I love it!!!

Our warm thanks also for the Sponsorship and support from Baxters along with the excellent demos from their Development Chef, Darren Sivewright. For Fisher & Paykel for supplying such fine equipment, and finally thanks to the GreatBritishFood (DEFRA) campaign.

The RHS is Britain’s, if not Europe’s, foremost agriculture, food & family event and for me it is as much about the people – the hundreds of organizers who start planning NOW for next year, the visitors who come from across the world to share our country’s heritage, food and farming, and last but by no means least the farmers, food producers, chefs, smallholders, equestrian enthusiasts and breeders, for without them there would be no food heritage, breeds, country expertise and much of the landscape we love in Scotland.

RHS hosted the inaugural Scottish Bread Championships, to celebrate and highlight Scottish grains and give Real Bread bakers a chance to excel and be recognised for their skills. Created and convened by Scotland The Bread and Scottish Food Guide, this was a resounding success with great enthusiasm from breadmakers, as far afield as the Isle of Luing and Northumberland. Our sincere thanks to Clare Fennel for her help and our excellent judges who gave their time so generously and judged so diligently, Convened by Andrew Whitley:

Supreme Champion 2017 is Woodlea Stables in Fife; Reserve Champion, The Baikhous, Renfrew.

The Scottish Ice Cream, Cheese and Butter Championships results are also on the RHS link and Scottish Cheese Trail again hosted a pop up Tasting Kiosk for visitors to meet the cheesemakers and sample their cheese entries for themselves. Congratulations to Tricia Bey of Barwheys for winning Best Scottish Cheddar

The Tastings & Talks Theatre hosted producers telling their stories with produce to taste, ably compèred by Gillian who kept them in order! This year there was also ‘Foxy’ who cooked up morsels on Fisher & Paykel equipment for lucky diners who happened by!

To some it may seem over for another year, for others, planning is underway for 2018. As life returns to ‘normal(?)’ some are taking well-earned holiday time, others . I am also collating reviews, feedback and exit questionnaires and that too bears fruit, allowing us to continually learn what folk love and what we can consider adapting.

Wishing you all a happy summer, be it chillin’, celebrating, or in the case of the many SFG Members who are working their socks off just now, a very successful summer.

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