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Not quite Cannes but filming nevertheless!!

Over the years I have participated in food documentaries on the highs and lows of food grading, done a few wee gigs and am an ad hoc contributor on BBC Radio Scotland for topical food items, all of which I enjoy …but I have never been behind the camera and now in #lockdown, many of us are on a steep tech learning curve and I am no exception. Indeed for most of us, we are not only behind the camera but also in front, taking multi-tasking to a whole new level and some are already highly accomplished at it.

And so it was that I was invited by Slow Food Glasgow to compile a video clip on a topic of my choice for their meet-the-cooks-alliance-member feature. I gladly agreed then wondered how to go about it. As with everything from butchering game to learning the guitar, google has the answer, so after exploring a few tips we had a go and thanks to my I-pad it’s hopefully not bad for a beginner. You can be the judge! Around the same time the Galway’s BaaBaa Project also requested a video. Both Bosse and I were scheduled to speak at their May conference, The European Congress for Sheep Farming & Associated Traditions – hopefully being held at a later date – so we decided, self-assured from my première, to do a double act.

Ready, steady, action. Cut. In the bag. Playback. We had decapitated Bosse throughout – figuratively of course. Action replay, taking care this time to ensure his head was in full view and by the end of the day we had something we liked. Hopefully Galway are happy and we hope you are too…

Fired with enthusiasm I am collating artisan produce from across the country. The courier certainly knows his way to our door and by next week I hope to be honing my skills once again, this time with artisan cheeses on Scottish Cheese Trail. Meanwhile many Scottish Food Guide chefs are displaying their culinary skills on social media with mouth-watering dishes, tempting you to cook in your home and reminding you to visit them when they re-open. We have so many wonderful guys and girls in Scotland who cook with passion and are deserving of our support after this unprecedented state of affairs.

Perhaps in these surreal times we learn more about ourselves and our good neighbours, our priorities in life, common threads and real friends, our communities and our frailties…and above all, our strengths. Take care everyone.

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